Popularized by Shaun T and his Insanity video collection, Max interval training (High Intensity Interval Training/ HIIT) has been proven to be very successful in helping people achieve incredible fitness gains over very short periods of time.
Swimming and Aqua classes have always been regarded as the most joint friendly exercise there is, due to the weightlessness in the water.
Even aqua aerobics exerts some force on the knees, as half of your body is often above the water.. but be warned, this is nothing like standard aqua aerobics.
Swim-sanity, developed in London- delivers a high intensity aerobic and conditioning workout class.
The workout utilizes inter-changable drills- giving participants an effective, mixed ability, aqua-fitness experience every time!
Our coaches deliver constant feedback to keep you motivated and ensure technique is correct.
Regular attendance to our classes promotes weight loss long after the workout has finished.
'Swimsanity classes incorporate swimming stroke techniques to help the body learn the movements required for swimming strokes. Swimsanity is not just a high intensity aqua class for men and women.. it actually can help individuals start to learn to swim.. just through participation in the class.'