Swimsanity®, developed in London- is a High Intensity Aqua-aerobic Workout.
The workout system utilizes inter-changeable drills- giving participants an effective, mixed ability, aqua-fitness experience every time!
Hand paddles increase the resistance of the water, meaning you get to WORK hard in the pool.
Our licensed coaches deliver constant feedback to keep you motivated and ensure technique is correct. Regular attendance to our classes promotes weight loss long after the workout has finished.
Paul Taaffe
Co-Founder of Swim-sanity.
Sports Scientist.
Im Paul , co-founder of SwimSanity workouts.
My background as a swim coach and sports scientist has allowed me to develop a highly effective workout with minimal joint stress and without the sweat.
The only thing needed is a want to succeed and a commitment to keep going!!
Theo Chatziolos
Co-founder of Swim-sanity.
Sports Scientist
Theo is a former international Olympic level swimmer, he has an MSc in sport sciences from Brunel university. with over 10yrs experience in teaching/coaching swimming.
In this time he has developed many unique drills & exercises for swim technique, body posture and balance!"